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Gary Faces-01.jpg
  • What kind of design services to you offer?
    Our prime focus is graphic design, all of our designs are experts in the full Adobe suite and I have two experts in word. However I have a team of experts that enables me to manage all of your marketing requirements, just not at agency prices.
  • Do I like posing for photos?
    No! But when a client was wanting a middle aged man (back then) slightly balding for a passport array of photos for their corporate brochure, all eyes turned to me. Everyone involved had a good old laugh at my expense, I needed a mirror because I had no idea what my face was doing and how to look in the various ways. Lets just say I'm no actor but still till this day it is my clients favorite page.
  • How big is ........
    Paper: Evelopes: DL - 99 x 210mm DL or DLX which is slightly bigger A6 - 105 x 148mm C6 A5 - 148 x 210mm C5 A4 - 210 x 297mm C4 A3 - 297 x 420mm A2 - 420 x 594mm A1 - 594 x 841mm A0 - 841 x 1189mm
  • What is a Vector?
    A vector image uses mathematical formulae to construct the best quality image possible at any given size. Since these formulae can produce an image scalable to any size and detail they are the preferred method for line art and logos. Files are generally quite small depending on the level of detail in the image. Common vector formats include: .ai, .eps, .pdf, .svg, .cdr
  • What is bitmap / raster?
    Raster or bitmap images work on a grid filled with ‘pixels’ (dots). The number of dots in a square inch determines DPI (dots per square inch). As you scale the image up in size, the grid gets larger and the image becomes less clear. Photos and scans are always in this format. As a general rule – the higher the DPI, the sharper and larger the image can be reproduced, but at the cost of a larger file size.
  • Do I use hair gel?
    Seriously where are these questions coming from? No I now use a powder to fill in the gaps hence why rain scares me.
  • What DPI?
    DPI is determined by how many pixels / dots are present per square inch of image. (Dots per Inch). All commercial printing is done at 300dpi, while most computer screens (and internet images) use 72dpi. If you don’t have the software to measure DPI (such as Adobe Photoshop), file size can be used as a rough indicator. Compressed Jpegs will produce a smaller file size, however if overly compressed the quality of the image will suffer. It isn't always the case but if I receive an image under 1mb there is a good chance it won't be suitable for offst or digital printing. For signage however obviously it is generally view from a far so images can be as low as 100dpi and file size can be lower. SIZE 300dpi: 72dpi: A1 200mb 12mb A2 100mb 6mb A3 50mb 3mb A4 25mb 1.5mb A5 12mb 750kb A6 7mb 370kb *based on uncompressed Jpeg file.
  • What are some different file extensions ?
    .indd Adobe Indesign Document Adobe Indesign .ai Adobe Illustrator File Adobe Illustrator (Vector) .eps Encapsulated PostScript Adobe Illustrator (Vector) .pdf Portable Document Format Adobe Illustrator (Vector) .svg Scalable Vector Graphic Adobe Illustrator (Vector) .pdf Portable Document Format Adobe Acrobat (Vector & Raster) .psd Adobe Photoshop Document Adobe Photoshop (Raster/Bitmap) .tif / .tiff Tagged Image File Format Adobe Photoshop (Raster/Bitmap) .eps Encapsulated Postscript Adobe Photoshop (Raster/Bitmap) .jpg / .jpeg Joint Photographic Experts Group Internet Explorer (Raster/Bitmap) .gif Graphics Interchange Format Internet Explorer (Raster/Bitmap) .bmp Bitmap MS Paint (Raster/Bitmap) Got a filetype you can’t identify or want more information on it? Try
  • Can I do an incredible Donald Duck impersonation
    You bet I can, one of my many useless skills.
  • Photography?
    I have all the gear, Canon 5D digital camera,3 metre back ground, lightsource and I have a keen eye but by no means am I an expert. Visit my photography page in services to see more but I do partner with some professionals if I feel it is out of my scope.
  • What is CMYK?
    CMYK is a colour space used in printing, its name represents the 4 inks used in printing “process colours”: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. CMYK is a subtractive colour system – meaning you start with no colour and as you add each colour the result gets darker and tends towards black. Because of this, some vibrant colours visible to the eye and on computer screens cannot be reproduced through the CMYK printing process. This is particularly noticeable in oranges and greens. CMYK is limited to the Thousands of colours.
  • What is RGB?
    RGB is a colour space used in computing and what you see with your eyes. RGB takes its name from its 3 primary colours: Red, Green and Blue. RGB is an additive colour system which starts as black and turns to white as more colour is added. The RGB colour spectrum when used in computer monitors is limited to the Millions of colours and the visible (human eye) spectrum consists of Billions of colours. If an RGB image is sent to print in a document, the CMYK conversion process usually results in a duller, flatter looking image. This is why we always convert and colour correct all images before the printing process begins.
  • What is a spot colour?
    Spot colours (also referred to as PMS or Pantone) are used when conventional CMYK (process) printing cannot accurately achieve a particular colour. Spot colours add an additional cost to printing and are scarcely used in modern printing, although some jobs will require it to obtain accurate colour. Spot colours are patented and controlled by the Pantone Matching System (PMS) who produce colour books with swatches of each spot colour available including metallic and pastel colours which are otherwise unachievable with process printing. Custom spot colours can be created for individuals, but the process relies heavily on trial and error and can be very costly. Sign writers tend to try and match vinyl and colours to the pms book.
  • Turnaround time in printing?
    If a job is going ahead, but awaiting artwork approval, it is advised that the quantity of the print run be confirmed so paper can be ordered and machinery time booked to achieve a faster turnaround. As a guide, most printing takes 5-7 working days. However if any special processes are required (Folding, Die-cutting or Embellishments) extra time will be necessary. Short run printing (1-400 copies) can be produced in 1-2 days, however if any special processes are required (Folding, Die-cutting or embellishments) extra time will be necessary. Banners (pull up or vinyl with eyelets) can be produced in 1-2 days depending on humidity affecting drying time.
  • Am I available for "private photo shoot?"
    I prefer not too, but my wife keeps saying I need to make more $$ so I'm practising my Grrr. Generally speaking if i get asked, those people need to go to spec savers!
  • Transferring large files
    Often we find that images are too big to email if over 10mb, so I can send you a link from our Datto storage and then it can be uploaded and vice versa if artwork is too big after completion we will provide a datto link for you to download. Quite often when we prepare artwork for signage we produce the artwork at 10 % otherwise huge files will cause computeres to crash and big delays. People can use dropbox and there are free mail services like and but once again easier to load straight on to or system if working with point> .
  • What hours do I work?
    Generally 9am - 6pm but I'm flexible, if a client needs me I make my self available any time including weekends.
  • How many demerit points do I have?
    Lets just say I drive very quickly to visit clients and suppliers. Even if my points aren't affected I seem to constantly pay a gov agency to take a photo of me ! Bloody paparazzi, I thought they pay me?
  • What experience do I have?
    I have been working in the print and design industry since I was 16 and lets just say I'm over 50 now (that saves me from updating my website). I was fortunate to gain experience in the print industry as a printer, production manager, estimator and finally sales person, constantly communicating with agencies. When I was approached by a client to manage a design business, I was up for the challenge and that's when in 2002 it all started for me. I gained great experience working with a promotional marketing company and for a few years I was the design studio for a media company. I am also part of the BNI Alliance chapter in East Fremantle and I am surrounded by a diverse grioup of professionals that also add value that I share with my clients.
  • Can I really point you in the right direction?
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